
Typography is one of the main ways we establish a friendly and approachable tone. Our type standards are designed for both consistency and flexibility. Use them well, and they will reward you.

Primary Typeface
Messina Sans
Contemporary, clean and easy to read, Messina Sans is our main typeface. We use it about 80 percent of the time. Because it’s such an airy font, apply kerning negatively to create balance when not at display sizes.
Secondary Typeface
Tiempos is the playful wingman to Messina Sans. It’s primarily used for pull quotes, but you can also use it for subheads and some CTAs.
Substitue Typeface
If—and only if—using Messina Sans is not an option, use Helvetica as your alternative typeface. It’s widely available as a default font on both Mac and PC systems.
The ideal type stack
The Aspen Dental typographic system is designed to function across all brand touchpoints. Use this handy reference when setting type.
Messina Sans bold
Tiempos Headline Regular
Eyebrow/tertiary heading
Messina Sans bold
Body copy
Messina Sans book
• List item 1
• List item 2
Messina Sans book
Primary pull quote
Tiempos headline semi-bold
Secondary pull quote
Tiempos headline semi-bold
Messina sans book
You’ve learned our typestack, now take a look at what it can do. Remember, you have to learn the rules to break them.
Messina Sans Bold
52 pt
1.0/100% leading
-20 tracking (metrics)
6 words or more
Messina Sans Regular
24 pt
1.25/125% leading
-10 tracking (metrics)
Messina Sans Bold
52 pt
1.0/100% leading
-20 tracking (metrics)
8 words or less
Messina Sans Regular
24 pt
1.25/125% leading
-10 tracking (metrics)
Messina Sans Bold
48 pt
1.1/110% leading
-20 tracking (metrics)
2 words or less
Messina Sans Regular
16 pt
1.375/137% leading
0 tracking
Messina Sans Bold
52 pt
1.0/100% leading
-20 tracking (metrics)
8 words or less
Tiempos Text Medium
22 pt
1.3/130% leading
0 tracking
Messina Sans Regular
11 pt
1.44/145% leading
0 tracking
Messina Sans Bold
26 pt
1.1/110% leading
-20 tracking (metrics)
5 words or less
Messina Sans Regular
14 pt
1.375/137% leading
0 tracking
Calls to action
Calls to action have their own style and should be executed consistently, following the formats below.
Messina sans cta
Tiempos cta
Set in either Messina Sans Bold or Tiempos Headline Regular.
Inactive cta
Active cta
Set in either Messina Sans Bold or Tiempos Headline Regular
When setting type over photography, again, legibility is key.
Use dark text on light images.
Use light text on dark images.

Typography is a powerful tool. Here’s some tips on it's best use.

Do not use excessive tracking, in either direction.

Do not place type vertically.

Do not use unapproved colors over photos.

Do not use ALL CAPS.

Do not use Tiempos when you should use Messina Sans. And vice versa.